Dear Friends and Parishioners:
On behalf of the parish council, I am pleased to introduce this survey, through which you will
be given an opportunity to express your interest in exploring your Catholic faith. You will be
asked specific questions about participating in Sunday Mass and other parish programming.
The survey asks you to consider specific opportunities the parish could offer to help you grow in
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Your participation will go a long way in
helping the parish council and me form parish life. The ultimate goal is that you and future
generations will be inspired to know God and his Son, Jesus Christ, with a heart filled with love.
Your holiness is the goal of the Catholic church. This survey will help us get there.
Msgr Bernard W Bourgeois
The Rutland-Wallingford Catholic Community
As one, we pray the Eucharist and other sacraments together,
and we explore the meaning of our Catholic faith.
As a community, we reach out in love,
following the call of Jesus to serve those in need.
As one community, we grow together in faith and love for Jesus Christ.
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