The first priest stationed in Rutland, Vermont, was Father Charles Boylan, who took in hand the project of establishing and building our present church in Wallingford. In 1864, a building site was purchased from I B Munson, and the church was designed by architect P C Kieley, who also designed St Bridget's in West Rutland, St Peter's in Rutland, and the cathedral in Burlington. Stone to build the Wallingford church was quarried locally at a cost of $8,888. The cornerstone was laid in May 1865.
On 2 September 1866, the church was blessed and named for its patron, St Patrick. The parish at that time included Wallingford, Danby and Dorset. The Rev Thomas O’Donoghue became Wallingford’s first resident priest in 1910. In 1911, the rectory was built for $2,800. 1937 saw the first renovation of the interior of the church as directed by the pastor, Fr W P Hackett. In 1954, the outdoor shrine to Our Lady of Knock, the first of its kind outside Ireland, was dedicated by Bishop Ryan. In the 1950s, the house north of the church was purchased, and it became the Parish Center. Later, under Father C E Fitzpatrick, a sizable addition was completed.
In the late 1980s, the front entrance to the church was remodeled to comply with handicap requirements. It was designed by Ralph Nimitz of NBF Architects, Rutland. The stonework was done by Jim Pickett. In the 1990s, a new roof was installed on the Parish Center by volunteer parishioners.
In 1997, Edna Metzger gave $20,000 to the parish in memory of her parents. This funded the new confessional to allow for face-to-face reconciliations. This work was done by Jim Pickett. At the same time, the steeple was leaning and thus was repointed. The steeple cross was replaced by one designed by Russell Lattucca and fabricated by Al Melanson Co Inc machine shop, Rutland.
Sadly, on 30 December 2007, St Mary church in Mount Holly, which had been a mission of St Patrick's, burned down. The decision was made not to rebuild St Mary's but to combine it with St Patrick's. The same year, Holy Trinity Church of Danby was also combined with St Patrick’s, and St Patrick’s was placed under Christ the King, Rutland. The sanctuary at St Patrick’s was rearranged by installing the altar from Holy Trinity. St Patrick’s is a vibrant, lively parish filled with the Holy Spirit, as it was when it first opened on 2 September 1866.